This page contains the most up-to-date information about the Moss Landing 300 battery fire in Monterey County, California. Vistra is committed to keeping the community informed with transparent updates.

Conditions at our Moss Landing site are stable. We are continuing to monitor the air on the site and in the nearby community and no hazardous levels have been detected. These findings have been confirmed by both the Environmental Protection Agency and local public health officials.

At this time, the cause of the fire remains unknown. We have begun a thorough, methodical investigation into the cause and have retained multiple outside experts to assist in this effort. Investigations like these take time, and we ask for your patience as our teams examine hundreds of thousands of data points to understand what happened.

In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to be transparent with local officials, regulatory agencies, and the public on the next steps for the Moss Landing Power Plant and the findings of our investigation. When we have updates to share, they will be posted here on our response site.

We want to emphasize again that Moss Landing is not only home to our facility, it’s home to our employees and neighbors. We are committed to doing everything we can to do right by our community and are working in concert with federal, state, and local agencies to ensure public health and safety.

Click here to view all public statements.

Air Monitoring
Process & Results

Monitoring to date, which began when the fire was first discovered, has not detected hazardous compounds, and all particulate matter readings were low and within expected air quality index (AQI) bands deemed safe for the general public.

Based on continued safe results, CTEH has concluded its community and roaming air monitoring. CTEH will continue to monitor air quality up to the site boundary indefinitely.

Click here for CTEH air monitoring reports.